Countering Dyslexia Adverse Effects with Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT

15 May 2024
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Antonio Hidalgo-Landa, Chair, BCS Consultancy Specialist Group

Explore the transformative power of technology in overcoming dyslexia challenges. Join Antonio Hidalgo-Landa for an insightful talk on leveraging Large Language Models (LLMs) to support learning differences. Discover how these innovations are reshaping education and accessibility. This session invites you to ponder the evolving role of technology in learning and its potential implications. Antonio will share practical strategies that harness LLMs to mitigate dyslexia’s impact. This discussion also prompts us to consider the evolving role of technology in education. As we delve into the possibilities of LLMs, let’s ponder: Could there be a future where relying on machines alters the dynamics of creative thinking? Be part of this engaging conversation and broaden your perspective on education and technology. Your input and feedback on these techniques are invaluable. We’re eager to connect with those who can benefit and learn from your experiences too. Join us for an engaging discussion that offers a fresh perspective on learning, technology, and empowerment.


Antonio Hidalgo-Landa, a Senior Technical Account Manager at a leading pharmaceutical traceability solution provider, is a strong contributor to the industry’s digital transformation. He also chairs the BCS Consultancy Specialist Group, showcasing his commitment to professional growth and knowledge dissemination. Overcoming dyslexia himself, Antonio is fervently dedicated to employing technology, including Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT, to bolster accessibility and inclusivity. With a background in Artificial Intelligence, Antonio bridges innovation and empowerment, investigating how LLMs can effectively counter dyslexia’s challenges.

This event is supported by the BCS Digital Divide Specialist Group

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The AI and Data Analysis Network at Oxford Brookes will be running a ‘Festival of AI’ from 20-24 February 2023. Events will mostly happen either online or at our Headington campus.

The aim of the Festival of AI is to showcase new developments in AI, machine learning and robotics and to support a debate on how new technologies are changing the way we live and work – and the skills and knowledge we’ll need to thrive in the new era.

The festival will run 20-24 February and involve a mix of in-person and online events. All sessions are free and open to the public, unless otherwise specified. They will include panels on AI in science, business, law and the the arts, and offer hands-on, practical advice on how to maximise the benefits of the new technologies for employees, customers, and society as a whole.

For further information about the festival, and how to register, please visit AIDAN (

In this session, we bring together two world leading experts in clinical prediction modelling, Profs David Clifton and Richard Stevens, to debate the following motion:

“This house believes the advent of Machine Learning approaches for clinical prediction make traditional statistical methods obsolete”

Professor David Clifton – Professor of Clinical Machine Learning, Dept Engineering Science, Oxford University
Dr Richard Stevens – Course Director, MSc EBHC Medical Statistics, NDPHS, Oxford University

This will be held in the Blavatnick Institue at 12,30 on Wed 16th November. Everyone is welcome!

Statistics versus Machine Learning for prediction Tickets, Wed 16 Nov 2022 at 12:30 | Eventbrite

The BCS Oxfordshire Group is inviting nominations for the positions of Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, Inclusion Officer, Early Career Officer and committee members. Please visit the meeting announcement ( for details of how to submit nominations. Any person nominated for the roles of Chair or Treasurer must be a professional member in good standing of the BCS (MBCS or FBCS).