BCS Oxfordshire Branch June 2008

If you would prefer to read this email, or previous issues, online, the newsletter archive is at: www.oxon.bcs.org/eBCSOxon.php
June 2008

Dear Branch Member,

As we enter the summer break after the end of our branch's programme for 2007/8, here are some other events you may find interesting.

Meanwhile, your committee is hard at work putting together the programme for 2008/9. Budget permitting, we'll post a copy of the programme to all branch members of record in late August as usual. Details will, of course, be published on the branch website.

Wednesday 23 July: ITsON networking series launch event

ITsON is a new initiative, co-ordinated and run by The Oxford Trust, aimed at facilitating communications, partnerships and collaborations within the ICT sector.

For this free launch event, Dr Jan Hruska, co-founder of Sophos, will provide an insight into the growth of the company from its founding in 1985 through to its present position as a world leader in IT security, protecting over 100 million users in 150 countries.


MPs website awards 2008
MP website awards 2008

As imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, we were delighted to hear that BCS is running the award for the best MP's website again in 2008.

For 2008 the judges are also listening to the views of the public. To submit your comments on your own MP's website, go to forms.bcs.org/mpawards.

This year's competition is sponsored by The First Post and The Week.


26 June 2008: Online conference: CMDB - the Unifying Power Of Service Management

In today’s IT environment, configuration management is recognised as a foundation practice that underpins service management.

If this is your area of interest, why not join this online conference on Thursday 26 June? Participation is free. Just register at http://bcs.brighttalk.com.


Thursday 22 May: Education in the Internet Age and Branch AGM
Internet Education mind map

After the usual cheese and wine buffet and the formal business of the AGM, Mark Chamberlain, RM's learning platform business manager, discussed the challenges for schools in the internet age to embrace IT and provide services to all involved: teachers, school staff, pupils and parents.

Instead of the usual "death by powerpoint", Mark used this freemind diagram to illustrate his talk.


Specialist Groups

Did you know that BCS members will soon be able join BCS Specialist Groups online?

Just sign on to the Members' secure area, and click on "Specialist Groups" in the box headed "Manage your membership". You should then be able to join several Specialist Groups (up to five, I think).


Tech Stuff

The next Oxford Geek Night is on 25 June and BarCampOxford is on the weekend of 20-21 September.


BCS email management online

BCS members can manage all their BCS email subscriptions online by logging on at https://wam.bcs.org/wam/lsm.aspx.


About this newsletter

Want to know more about this newsletter? There's an article on the branch wiki.

You can now subscribe to the text-only version of this newsletter. The BCS online interface doesn't support this option - see below for how to request it.


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Adrian Walmsley
Webmaster and email co-ordinator
BCS Oxfordshire Branch

Coming Events etc

Oxfordshire Branch meetings are open to BCS members and non-members.
Unless otherwise stated, there is no charge and you don't have to book. For other events, check the links.

23 June: Oxford Internet Institute: Virtual Schooling: The evolution of new ecologies in secondary education in the 21st century

25 June: Oxford Geek Night #7 at the Jericho Tavern

26 June: Online conference: CMDB - the Unifying Power Of Service Management

27 August: Oxford Geek Night #8 at the Jericho Tavern

14 July: UKCRC free lecture: Computing for the future of the planet

31 July: Oxford Internet Institute: From Digital Photography to Fine Art Painting: The Role of Technology for the 21st Century Artist

20-21 September: BarCampOxford

Science Oxford events

BCS Events Calendar

We'd love to hear your comments, views and opinions on this newsletter and on the branch programme. Please use the feedback form on the branch website.

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