BCS Oxfordshire Branch–AGM Report 2012/2013

Venue:            e-Research Centre, Oxford University, Keble Road

Date:               14 November 2013

Time:              19:44

 Apologies for Absence

Tim Lambertstock

Minutes of Last Year’s AGM

The notes of last years meeting had been published on the Branch web site. No comments had been received, and there were no comments at the AGM. The minutes were therefore accepted as a true record of the event.

The were no matters arising.

Chairman’s Report

Sheila Lloyd Lyons stood in for the Chairman, (Tim Lambertstock ), who had been delayed in London. She welcomed everyone to the meeting, and noted that the report had been circulated to the membership, and was also available on the Branch website.

We had had a good programme last year, and we had had some good feedback from attendees. Items of note included:

  • Kevin Warwick’s talk, which was both amusing and informative
  • the visit to Bletchley park. We hope to repeat this when they have made further renovations

We are looking forward to an equally enjoyable and educational programme in the coming year. If anyone had any comments or suggestions they were asked to contact anyone on the committee.

The programme for the coming year had been published, and Sheila encouraged everyone at the meeting to “spread the word” amongst colleagues and friends.

Our Treasurer, Tony Cox, has organised a visit to a F1 team, which should be very popular. Our next meeting, our Christmas lecture, will give you an opportunity to meet “Britain’s greatest fraudster”. This will be held at Rewley House. Please see our web site for details. Note also that we are also on Facebook and Twitter.

Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer (Tony Cox) presented the accounts.

We had only spent half our budget allocation last year; this was because we had had a number of events which had been generously hosted without charge, and some speakers had not claimed (full) expenses.

Unfortunately our allocation for next year has been reduced, so will will need to bid for support from the contingency fund, if necessary. However we hope to maintain the quality and breadth of our events.

The Treasurer’s report was accepted unanimously.

Election of Committee

The existing committee, with the exception of Suzy Race, had volunteered to continue. The continuing committee is shown below.

Nominee Proposer Seconder
Athar Majed Tim Lambertstock Shiela Lloyd Lyons
Brian Day (Secretary) Geoff Stone Tim Lambertstock
Brian Read Geoff Stone Simon Marsh
Chris Dawe Shiela Lloyd Lyons Tim Lambertstock
Geoff Stone Brian Read Sheila Lloyd Lyons
Kwasi Owusu-Asomaning Tony Cox Geoff Stone
Gerry Rohling (WebMaster) Tim Lambertstock Sheila Lloyd Lyons
Sheila Lloyd Lyons Tim Lambertstock Brian Day
Simon Marsh Brian Day Sheila Lloyd Lyons
Sverker Griph Sheila Lloyd Lyons Brian Read
Tim Lambertstock (Chair) Shiela Lloyd Lyons Brian Day
Tony Cox (Treasurer) Simon Marsh Brian Read
John Estdale Tim Lambertstock Sheila Lloyd Lyons

In addition we have a new volunteer:

Nalim Asanka Sheila Lloyd Lyons Brian Day

There being no other nominations, or objections the committee was constituted as above.

The Chairman and Treasurer were confirmed in their roles; allocation of Committee responsibilities will be ratified at the first meeting of the new committee.


There being no further business, the AGM was closed at 19:55.

After this, Alex Goodyear, Colin Hogben and Adam Stephen, CCFE., gave an interesting session titled “Wall to Wall RaspberryPi”.


Brian Day, BSc PhD CEng CSci MBCS CITP

Branch Secretary