Recent event: Thursday 21 May: Silverlight: The Art of the Possible & Branch AGM

image Our May meeting was the last in our 2008/9 programme of monthly events. As it was our AGM, we served a light cheese and wine buffet beforehand instead of the usual coffee and biscuits.

The meeting started with a short business session reporting on the past year, looking forward to 2009/10, and electing committee members.

Then our main speaker, Microsoft’s Michael McClary, told us about Silverlight, a free cross-browser, cross-platform runtime from Microsoft designed to deliver rich application experiences and high quality video to the desktop. The talk was interspersed with many demos and real-world examples.

Apress, one of the world’s leading technical publishers, had provided several relevant books as well as tokens for ebooks to be given away on the night. Preference was given to people who were willing to write a short book review.